

Handshake (opens in a new tab) is an open-source and decentralized naming protocol that runs on its own lightweight proof-of-work blockchain. Handshake is designed for managing TLDs (Top Level Domains). The current internet relies heavily on centralized certificate authorities and a few large corporations, which leads to censorship, surveillance, and a lack of sovereign identity. Handshake aims to address these issues by providing a fully decentralized alternative to the root zone.

Decentralized SLDs

HNS.ID (opens in a new tab) extends the capability of Handshake to provide decentralized second-level domains (DSLDs) (opens in a new tab). These subdomains are based on the ERC-721 NFT standard and live on the Optimism L2 blockchain which enables near-instant transactions with low fees. DSLDs offer compelling advantages over traditional registry-based domains such as secure custody, expanded functionality, and market efficiency.

The HNS.ID protocol has been designed from the ground up for maximum security and flexibility. TLD owners have incredible flexibility in their pricing, while SLD owners are fully protected from rug pulls and price gouging. The system perfectly balances the needs of all participants and provides much-needed transparency in its role as registry provider.