Subgraph API


Relationship Diagram




The Tld is the parent entity, capturing all crucial data related to Top-Level Domains. This includes details about ownership, token IDs, block registration details, and transfer counts.

  • SaleSettings: Directly linked to a Tld in a one-to-one relationship, this sub-entity contains details regarding the sales configurations, such as pricing tiers, discounts, premium prices, and reserved names.
  • Royalty and RoyaltyHistory: These sub-entities define the EIP-2981 (opens in a new tab) royalty settings for a TLD and keep track of historical changes.
idUnique identifier for the TLD.
claimantAccount that claimed the TLD.
ownerAccount that owns the TLD.
tokenIdUnique token ID associated with the TLD.
labelLabel of the TLD.
registrationBlockNumberBlock number when the TLD was registered.
registrationBlockTimestampBlock timestamp when the TLD was registered.
registrationTransactionHashTransaction hash for the registration event.
lastUpdateBlockNumberBlock number of the last update event.
lastUpdateTimestampBlock timestamp when the TLD was last updated.
lastUpdateTransactionHashTransaction hash for the last update event.
saleSettingsSales settings associated with the TLD.
sldsArray of Second-Level Domains (SLDs) associated with this TLD.
royaltyRoyalty settings for this TLD.
royaltyHistoryHistorical record of royalty changes for this TLD.
resolverResolver settings for the TLD.
transferCountCount of transfers associated with the TLD.
transfersArray of TLD transfers.
resolverVersionCurrent version of the resolver settings for this TLD.
delegateDelegate account authorized to make changes to resolver settings.


Sld represents Second-Level Domains. It captures details similar to Tld but specifically concerns itself registration, resolver and renewal data.

  • Renewal: Provides granular information about each renewal of an SLD.
  • SldTransfer: Records the history of ownership transfers for each SLD.
idUnique identifier for the SLD.
labelLabel of the SLD.
fullNameFull name of the SLD.
ownerAccount that owns the SLD.
registrantAccount that registered the SLD.
parentTldParent TLD of this SLD.
registrationBlockNumberBlock number when the SLD was registered.
registrationTimestampTimestamp when the SLD was registered.
registrationTransactionHashTransaction hash for the registration.
lastUpdateBlockNumberBlock number of the last update.
lastUpdateTimestampTimestamp of the last update.
lastUpdateTransactionHashTransaction hash for the last update.
expirationTimestampExpiry date of the SLD as a number.
resolverResolver settings for this SLD.
renewalCountCount of renewals of the SLD.
renewalsArray of SLD renewals.
transferCountCount of transfers of the SLD.
transfersArray of SLD transfers.
resolverVersionCurrent version of the Resolver settings for this SLD.
delegateDelegate account authorized to make changes to resolver settings.


Settings that specify how royalties are distributed for a TLD.

idUnique identifier for the Royalty setting.
percentagePercentage of sales to be paid out as royalty.
payoutAddressAddress to which the royalties will be paid.


Historical changes to the royalty settings for a TLD.

idUnique identifier for the historical record.
tldAssociated TLD.
percentageRoyalty percentage at this point in history.
payoutAddressAddress to which royalties were to be paid at this point in history.
blockNumberBlock number when the settings were last updated.
blockTimestampTimestamp of the block when settings were updated.
transactionHashTransaction hash for the event.


These entities manage DNS resolver configurations for TLDs and SLDs.

  • Address: This sub-entity specifies coin-type and string-formatted addresses associated with the Resolver.
  • TextRecordand TextRecordHistory : It includes key-value pairs for text records and is part of the Resolver's configuration, and also tracks their historical changes.
  • DnsRecord and DnsRecordHistory: These sub-entities hold DNS record data, such as node identifiers, resource types, and records, and also track their historical changes.
idUnique identifier for the Resolver.
addressesArray of addresses managed by this Resolver.
textRecordsArray of text records.
textRecordHistoryHistorical changes to text records.
contenthashContent hash associated with this Resolver.
dnsRecordsArray of DNS records.
dnsRecordHistoryHistorical changes to DNS records.
resolverHistoryArray of changes made to the Resolver settings.
dnsZonehashDNS Zone hash associated with this Resolver.
versionCurrent version number of the Resolver settings.


Settings for selling SLDs under a TLD.

idUnique identifier for the SaleSettings.
tldAssociated TLD.
enabledWhether the sale is enabled.
pricesArray of prices for different label lengths.
discountsArray of discounts for multi-year purchases.
premiumPricesPremium prices for specific labels.
reservedNamesList of names reserved and not available for general registration.
blockNumberBlock number when the settings were last updated.
blockTimestampTimestamp when the settings were last updated.
transactionHashTransaction hash for the last update.


The Account entity maintains records of individual accounts' ownership of TLDs and SLDs.

idUnique identifier for the Account.
tldsTLDs owned by the account.
sldsSLDs owned by the account.